Cement Vermiculite based Fire Resistive Coating
ISOLATEK Type CP2 is a single pack factory controlledportland cement based,Spray-Applied Fire Resistive Material (SFRM) designed specifically for application to structural elements.
CP-2 is intended for the fire protection of structural steel beams, columns, joists, steel floors and roof decks.
Applied by spray CP-2 provides an attractive, monolithic, textured finish which is light weight, durable and economical.
The durable surface and portland cement based formulation ofthe product makes it well suited for application in areas which may be subjected to higher levels of abuse and elevated humidity levels.

Extensively tested for fire endurance for upto 240 minutes by Underwriters Laboratories(UL), Warringtone Fire Research UK and other such independent laboratories to the following standards BS 476: Parts 6,7 &21, ASTM E119,UL 263, l’ArrêtéMinistériel August 1999
ISOLATEK Type CP2 is applied exclusively by Newkem licensed and trained contractors. Our technical staff works closely with building team members to meet all fire protection needs.
ISOLATEK INTERNATIONAL™ provides passive fireproofing materials under the Cafco® trade name throughout the Americas and under the Isolatek™ brand worldwide including India.
This product can help you achieve LEED® points on your project. Please ask us for our LEED® Brochure
Newkem is the licencee manufacturer and certified trained applicator for Isolatek International in the Indian Subcontinent.